a less-self twitter?


There are multiple paths that I can take to graduate uni. I took the internship path two years ago and I failed it last semester because apparently I have to retake and pass the classes I failed, before I am allowed to finish my final assignment. I failed the classes because I was too busy managing my time between a part-time job, an internship, a mandatory uni activity (this was very tiring because the activity supervisor was inconsistent on the schedules), and the classes.

On January, I decided to take the research path instead so I can focus more on retaking classes. Some mental issues came up and I have not made much progress of the research by the end of the semester (now). I have the general idea and plan, I write a lot on my personal notes, but I have not written a single letter of code or on the research report document.

It's currently the finals weeks and tomorrow I will have the exams for the classes I am retaking. I think I will pass.

There is a deadline for the research, it is about one year from now. If I don't finish my research by then, I will have to retake the final assignment. This sucks but I have done stuff and this also will be done. If I have to retake the final assignment next year, I will take the internship path again because the final assignment for that path seems easier compared to that of two years ago.

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