Doomsday messenger - update 0
I wanted to dabble a bit in electronics and so I thought of building a LoRa (long range radio communication) based device that can send and receive messages also creates a mesh network that enables messages to bounce from node to node increasing range...
So I already have some progress
Things I bought / you need to create this project...
- 2 esp32-wrooms (i mean you need everything twice so that you can test it out)
- 2 LoRa RFM95W-868S2R (basically any rfm 9x works, but 868 means that it operates on 868 Mhz, there's three frequency that don't require a radio license, and its based on your country, for europe and india its 868, for NA its 915 and rest 433 ig)
- 2/4 bread boards 💀 the esp is too wide, so for prototyping either you let one side hang or join two breadboards, so i got 4 so that i can build on seperate huge breadboards
- male to male pins
- 2 mm headers... ( will explain later)