spongeboi's stream

my thoughts and notes for and from life.

"learning starts with imitating"

said someone i dont remember who, but its very very true... To all those copy paster beginners, don't worry how its going to pan out, if you would even learn or not. Keep going with the flow, once you start experiment with something you've copy pasted, thats when the learning process accelerates.

i'm starting to write my thoughts here, I already pen down my notes for myself, but i realise i don't revisit them, so at the very least other people can maybe gain something from the random useful stuff I find while scrolling through life + beautiful pictures from life...

this picture is from a place on wreck beach at ubc, it goes through a forest, through a beautiful waterfall and then leads to a place to view the sunrise with the soothing sound of waves (trail 2 i think?)