Thrice Pieceman's 🧠 stream

Τρισμέγιστος   ◆   INTJ   ◆   Gemini

A random stream on the internet that is a μ-blog of sorts.

The biggest hurdle to yourself is yourself. Particularly, your tendency to procrastinate on the things that matter the most to you is what makes your life miserable. You need to urgently address that or you will always be stunned in your growth.

You can do a lot of amazing things when you put your mind to it. You learned Python, HTML & CSS, how to publish a static website on the web, as well as create dynamic dashboards with all the accompanying DNS management and stuff. You did this by your own initiative and read lots and lots of documentation. You also did a lot of trial and error. You know you don't like hearing the word failure but it is what it is. You failed a lot by doing trial and error. So let's use that.

Life is just a series of trial and error experiments.

Take this statement to heart even if you dislike the word "failure". It's simply a case of failure management. Do you want small failures or large failures? Time to decide.

Why is it that you cannot naturally sit at your desk and just hacking away with your problem sets. It's like there's an invisible force stopping you but it's just your psyche. So what might be the problem?

Maybe you need to change your thinking. Maybe you should be harder and stricter with yourself as someone else would be for your sake? Like a mentor or coach would be strict with someone like you that tends to think of excuses in their head to avoid doing a lot of tedium. You can, perhaps, draw inspiration from the relationship between Hinami Aoi and Tomozaki Fumiya from the light novel "Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki".

It does seem that you are turning into a madman. You seem to be repeating the same actions at the New Tab page in your browser despite not having any intentions to go to a specific website or have a search query to do. If that does not seem to be insanity to you, then you might have already gone too far off the path. Rein yourself in. Can't you see that this is the effect of "social media" on you? Slow down for a short while. Immerse yourself in a moment of silence and notice how illogical you're acting recently.

What does it take to have you just study consistently every day in an intensive manner? It may have something to do with your current environment and how you feel suffocated in it. Perhaps you need a change of perspective once in a while.

You have a confession to make. You did a little hack of changing the system time on your computer so that you can do some reviews in Anki due yesterday in order to not break your streak. Yesterday was a Sunday but you neglected to do even a little bit of my flashcards. How careless of you...

In reflection of what you did today, you simply report that you made a simple tracker and dashboard on Excel for data you are trying to record regarding your reviews for the licensure exam.

Did you procrastinate? Perhaps. Was it worthwhile? Probably not. Regret? Probably. However, you did realize today that Microsoft Excel is the ultimate end solution for storing, processing, and analyzing data for internal use. It's widely available, practically everyone knows how to use it, and less time-consuming to set up something working than a full-on dashboard using Python or JavaScript.