a half-filtered log of public thoughts

been a hell of a week... did so much...

lets go in reverse order this time... today had an exam so had to go to school it was fun tho cuz there was a fest going on parallely lol

we also disc abt a trip which wont happen before atleast 3 years 😂 and school bus took me on journey around my entire neighbourhood kek

yesterday was mostly monotonous and boring cuz i just studied for my exam(yeah, i studied 😂) and worked on deva.me tasks

even in general the week was mostly monotonous except for a few events 👀👀

  • i experimented with sleep and its relation with focus quite a bit
  • wrote about this in obsidian(ps: its public, try to find it)
  • got an idea and documented it in obsidian too

thoughts connecting and building a second brain look really cool and its helping asw (thanks @soul)

  • been wanting to get into reading more for a while kinda lost touch for the last 1-2 months
  • also want research a bit on design and stuff

been thinking about philosophy for a while, let's see where this goes 👀

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