a half-filtered log of public thoughts

anyways, besides making fun of soul, here's what i've actually been upto

life's been fun, i started focusing more on overall life and fun than just code... i've started balancing between studies, social or life in general, and coding/working further in coding, ive found a balance between working(endeva), purp or other clients, and personal projects

its durga puja here, so having a ton of fun these days ps: soul, this is both what u think and also not what u think

have been staying outside most of the day so a little unproductive but idc lol...

the pandals are also so beautiful and the lighting... its just so nice... i just don't like the crowd... but this year its not as crowded so am loving it...

i also updated my personal portfolio, so go check that out here and this time its responsive.

note: the mouse trailer is not perfect, it has a few flaws, im working on fixing those...

thanks to @sofa for the design and code contributions... im grateful...

weekly reviews are also going well and smooth, haven't forgotten about them yet, surpsing 😅... i'm gonna make a small list of monthly goals/focus as well to have a view of the larger surface as well...

endeva is going good, am working on new features or pages now which is better and more fun than fixing boring bugs purp is kinda paused but its fun fixing the eslint errors lol and building the ui...

altho i kinda wanna get better at design too, might try drawing like sofa suggested...

school is out for puja so i've somewhat more time.... to spend reading/researching/learning

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