a half-filtered log of public thoughts

ok fk it...

gonna be trying a weekly note system from this month or maybe after exams... made a template with obsidian, templater, and dataview... doesn't seem like a bad idea to track and reflect upon each week...

actually studied a lot of stuff during the study leave and didnt waste it all... maintained a balance b/w work, coding, and studies...

like i mentioned in the earlier drop, built a small web app for myself... where i can give it a json of questions and options with correct option tagged... and an optional config... the site loads the json and displays the questions with absolutely 0 styling... just white text on a black bg... i can go through and answer the questions and finally if i end it or time runs out... gives me the results, that is correct, incorrect, unattempted, time taken, etc. thinking of adding a few more types of questions like single word answers, etc. also wondering if others would benefit from this? maybe there are more students like this who need this? well anyways gonna be making it public lol... and open source(maybe)... lots to consider tho...

had a bigger idea of integrating ai to match and grade long form answers as well... but thats for later... gonna build this basic unstyled mvp first... built the current mvp in 2 hours btw 👍pretty nice progress on idea -> execution

thats pretty much it for this week... cyall inbetween exams or after its done....

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