A Stream of Consciousness

the case for living a life fully stream of consciousness

  • stream of consciousness is saying and doing things as they arise in consciousness

  • rather than what likely most people do, which is consider what to do or say after the thought arises in consciousness

  • the primary benefit is living a life that is perpetually in flow state

  • the primary fear that people feel when considering this is that they believe will say something dumb/stupid/off and/or be judged by others

  • this is likely to happen at some point

  • many people cast judgements about someone’s character based on a singular impression or thought

  • however the counterargument is that far outpaced by one’s characterogical growth/benefit

  • we are seeing early examples of this with people learning or building in public

  • however we haven’t seen the logical conclusion of this toward full blown stream of consciousness

  • with AI interpretation

  • the benefit of AI is that it is a statistical model that outputs the most likely word based on a given sequence of input words

  • this type of neural net structure is much much better suited for the jobs of translating a stream of consciousness (generated from one specific neural net) to other neural nets

  • the reason is that often this language transformation/translation is a function that interprets a sequence of words to be read by the lowest common denominator (what is most understandable to the widest group of people)

  • likely this trend (like many things) will take hold with younger folks first

  • the older folks are often beholden (and trapped) by their attachment to their reputation and the feeling/need to be appear polished in all instances of public impressions and appearances

  • i know many wealthy and presumably successful people who stutter at the thought of saying barely formed thoughts in fear of their reputation taking lower standing amongst an amorphous group of bystanders

  • in summary, noticing when u are not living in a stream of consciosuness and identifying how to stay in the stream will ultimately lead to faster learning, higher creativity and productivity, and flow state

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