i got my sony handycam around a year ago now and have taken ~2000 pics... i think ive gotten into a groove and am "good" at taking pictures but recently realized there isnt a ton of distance between me and the photos i want to be taking (really inspired by stuff like @nickspinal and @jasnisip) besides knowledge and practice and i have a ton of time this summer -- 4 months -- outside of the science im doing and thinking about. so my plan is to fast track the process to "mastery", basically, and really go from zero to one as quickly as possible... im starting out by binging books rec'd by reddit on digital photography (right now "understanding exposure" by bryan peterson) and then ideas for future actions are learning photoshop/lightroom, replicating photo styles im really inspired by and figuring out how to rent or hire a dslr (might require some hustle...) -- but feels really good to be following a creative pursuit, theres this feeling of soaring and adrenaline that im really excited to chase for as long as i can

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