"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Today, June 11th. Woke up late. 18 minutes after 8. Got ready. Coffee videos, and some other videos. Made some iced coffee, Hoffmann again. I got a new ice tray, you know?, the tray is all silicone and comes with a box and the ice comes in nice shapes. Got the other leftover pasta and my bottle and put it in a bag, bag and backpack to the car with my car keys and my backpack. Drove to campus, a traffic drive. Warmer weather today. Learned about the ratio and root tests, root test will not be on the exam this Thursday, ratio test feels much more approachable. More canceling out than algebraic manipulation. My algebra has gotten worse over time, COVID didn’t help one bit. Longer class, got out around 12:05. We also had some practice questions for the exam, and then class was over, and I took pictures of the problems on the wall, the problems were tough. Classmate on my left side still a bit quiet and awkward – need to get his name. Left class, bag and backpack, down the stairs, outside, to the bright sunlight and warmth. Walk walk walk to the dining hall. I adore the smell of summer. The humidity wakes up the plants and the brightness fills your nose, a familiar evolution from the crisp greens of spring. Microwaved my pasta in the other microwave since there was someone in the first, it was cooler than I thought but warm enough. Curled up outside with an episode of The Golden Girls. Season 2 Episode 16. How long has it been since I’ve talked to someone over lunch? Headphones over my ears, a cozy stillness, intro song. Poured a teensy bit of coffee into my pasta to moisten it again. A little bit funny, because this time I added cream to my coffee, but it all tasted nice anyway. Pasta was very very mild. Need to season my tomato paste and onions better, next time. Finished and went back home. God this drop is getting long. Pressing from the past present into the present present, than pulling the past into the present, though maybe for some people that’s the same process. Reliving. Back to the car. Back home. Worked on some math homework for an hour, pomodoro split between the alternating series work and the ratio test, ratio test went by faster… I took a nap after that, oh, maybe 1? – that could explain why it was hard to remember yesterday, my head was cleared out again. Woke up, and then I tested the AeroClover (CoffeeGeek’s inverted recipe) on my ABLE Fine filter and my Prismo. The ABLE Fine not only left less grounds in the cup, but also had a slightly brighter cup. Prismo had no brightness, and left more silt and oils in the cup. But the Prismo is more convenient for immersion brewing. Otherwise the coffee was identical. Much to test … need to test Hoffmann’s espresso recipe on both.

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