"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

The rest of my coffee order came today and I had a ball unboxing it. Thermometer + scale + ABLE disk fine + new silicone seals for my AeroPress. Did some more homework, parents and cousin went to Costco. Made some espresso-style coffee using the Fellow Prismo I got the other day. Lots of observations… the actual brew output liquid was dramatically smaller than I thought. It was 20g coffee + 50ml brewing water, hard plunge. No crema, but that’s okay. The coffee seemed to absorb quite a bit of water, and it looked like I only had 10-20mls of liquid coffee in my cup. Very very interesting. Decided to add some foamed milk to bring it up to a cafe latte and my my my … if I didn’t know any better I’d have thought it was a “real” latte. That little bit of coffee down there goes a long way, and it stood up well to the milk. I added a little bit more so it became more dilute but for traditional lattes, where the milk volume is smaller, it was perfect. Still a bit interested in the water retention though so I’m adding a note to myself on my testing paper to try more brew water in the future. Sipped it down, went back to homework, paused it midway, watched an episode of so of The Golden Girls. Reconstituted my caramelized onion anchovy tomato paste with some pasta, in the Instant Pot. Wish I could alter the Saute mode on the fly… well, it still got plenty hot. Spaghetti broken in half to fit the pot, layered in alternating directions so they don’t stick, hot water just to cover the pasta, pressure cook high for 4 minutes. Will try 3 minutes for a chewier bite. Didn’t get a chance to try the pasta, will do it tomorrow before I head out. Rest of the day flew by. Made some iced milk tea using my AeroPress + Prismo, thought I’d get better extraction from the tea leaves if I took them out of the tea bags and gave them more space in my AeroPress. Used a paper filter for the tea, since I wanted to use up that old one (AeroPress paper filters are small enough you can reuse them up to about 10 times). Rest of the day flew by after that. Had dinner (sour/tangy bamboo and catfish soup), finished the math homework.

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