"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

My head is swirling and the day went bluegray to bluegray to pale to dark. Woke up decently early, around 9:15, but lamped in bed until 9:40. For breakfast I had a turkey lettuce sandwich with some of yesterday’s onion anchovy tomato paste for the spread. Made a sweet latte with my AeroPress and the frother, and a couple packs of sugar from school. Was a bit sweeter than I thought. Drove to work around 11:50, took my brother, work until 7. The day was progressing nicely until 5 when the sun really set and the night seemed to last forever. That last 2 hours felt like 3, or I guess would’ve felt like 3 if not for the busy spike. Good work but as always could be a bit better. Drove home around 7:10, had a decently big dinner (didn’t eat lunch) with some of the stuffed spiced chicken wing, half of a spiced sausage, and some leftover chicken veggie soup. Grandma also made some nom krouh, and I ate maybe 6 of them. All of this over an episode of The Nanny. The rest of the night was spent working on Spanish homework and Public Speaking homework. Didn’t get a chance to take some notes on photography stuff. About to get to bed pretty soon, or at least decently soon since I still have to fold my laundry. Onto tomorrow!

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