"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Kind of a meh busy day today, November 7th 2023. Woke up early, a little after 8:45, and stayed in bed a bit longer. I suspect my problem is that the morning temperatures are getting colder and colder. I had a turkey lettuce sandwich for a late breakfast. Helped my mom bring a bag of sugar into her car. Pretty cloudy day today. Wiped down the T90 with a disinfectant wipe and squirted some contact cleaner into the dial and it works perfectly now. Loaded up my T90 with the Fomapan 200 and shot a quick shot of the tree. The lighting was really even since it was overcast, so I was a little worried it wouldn’t have much contrast, but I’ll literally have to wait and see. Maybe on the order of months, if I don’t give into trying to develop it without in-class experience (I want to take a photography course next quarter). Not much homework so more Twitter than usual. Dad called me, asked if I could buy some bacon for the shop, mom asked to bring a can of coconut cream, uncle asked if his package came. Wasn’t near the front of our house. Drove to the nearby grocery store for the bacon, had to do a U-turn since the school traffic was really clogging up the streets. Got the 10 pounds of bacon, around $80, and sped off to the shop. Dropped off the bacon, brought a pot home. Went to fill up my gas tank – paid $40 but I really only needed $33 for the fill. I’ve got to start at $30 more often. Drove off, made another U-turn to get to the Walgreens. Bought some moisturizing cream and a daily face wash and wanted to get some shaving cream but from the assortment of products it was clear I needed to do some more research. Pinky acting up a little more than yesterday but generally okay. Drove back home, a guy sped super close to my left lane and almost cut me off on my left turn into my neighborhood, had to make a pretty steep cut across those two lanes, but I made it. Drove home, only to have a huge SUV pull up behind me. I was worried something had happened, or if I was going to get into a fight, so I locked my car doors. Turns out my brother got a drive home from some very friendly people. A delivery truck hit him!!! He fell pretty hard but didn’t have huge injuries and thank God he’s alive. Guy who hit him rushed out to help, said his insurance covers his busted headlight. Brother was in plenty of pain but nothing seemed it would last for more than a week. Got the package from the neighbor, Helen, and let her know it was misshiped. She seemed quiet. Later, around 5:20, I moved the garbage cans outside, and Helen rapped on my car as I was about to head out and essentially lectured to me about our house’s cans in front of her house (the street is public! and we need our yard space for our cars), that we hadn’t gotten a replacement lid for our recycling bin, and that I was apparently not 20 enough to do it. We have no fines from the city, we do not care. Helen was ridiculously condescending – that’s the rudest she’s been to me period. You would think an 80 year old (she literally said she was 4 times my age) would have better tact. Next time I’m just walking away, and I would have, if she weren’t in front of my car door. I made a point to grumble about my homework and slam our house doors. The night seemed to just ooze, very slowly, because of DST. Watched the latest Rick and Morty episode after dinner. This one was really heavy. More time wasted. Worked a bit on my UC application. Worked more on the story from yesterday. I’m maybe 40% done. Boy do I need sleep.

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