Woke up early enough around 8:00, got ready, headed down for breakfast. Went to Statistics class and tried my hardest to keep myself awake.
Got back to dorm around 11:30, made some coffee, checked on homework, refined some of my notes. QOwnNotes has gotten slower and slower since I originally migrated my FSNotes "cache" of lecture notes and drafts and snippets and mobile notes in July 2024. Honestly it was never all that fast to begin with. The search feature isn't incremental, and even typing into a note has this routine "freeze" where the note directory is somehow modified externally. Seeing that I already use VSCode to type my lecture notes and maintain my more longform Dendron notes I just installed Foam. So I'll keep using it this week. On the subject of note-taking it's pleasantly surprising to see my style converse across entries: synthetic, incremented, prefentially clipped and telegraphic, and indented into discursive tangents. I have to imagine working in Helios caused this shift.
At 1:05 I drove downtown to the Holy Trinity of Divine building. Inside lingered the smell of incense and on the desk were jars of dried mushrooms. The younger man, going into his mid or late 20s, greeted me behind the desk and gave me a membership form to fill out. Yes, I read it properly, and idiosyncrasies aside it seemed reasonable enough. I requested sacrament and paid the PSCCF fee which was really the sacrament/dose fee. (For legal purposes and to maintain nonprofit credibility they claim PSCCF is not actually a purchase fee.) $25 for 3.5g of P Envy / Golden Teachers -- I probably could've saved a few bucks getting 7g instead but whatever. I plan to take this all myself tomorrow. A 3.5g dose will be more than enough for an epiphany.
The rest of the day slides smooth in my head like butter in a hot pan. I parked my car at East Remote Lot and walked from the area back to Porter, pouncing on the chance to figure out framing and sharpness sweet spots on my 24mm -- f/2.8 to f/8, at distances 2 feet to infinity. Foliage could look a little sharper, but foliage is a problem for all lenses anyway, and again, this lens is very old.
Got back to dorm around 2:30 and futzed on the computer waiting for Psycholinguistics to start. Shruti swung by just as I left around 3:05, 3:10. Psycholinguistics continued language acquisition, and I walked and talked to and at the Porter bus stop with Gloria about upcoming finals, manga, and food until her bus came. Gloria is very easy to talk with. She's Asian (Vietnamese) and from East San Jose so we share a lot of background. Same with Shruti now that I think about it. Sasha isn't difficult to talk with, but they do have a vested interest in their interests, from gaming to animation to leftist politics.
Had dinner at Porter around 6:05pm. My stomach gets a little twinge as I now remember seeing Angelina and some of the Porter Instagram crew as I was leaving, but it's alright. There will be other times. Porter Dining had their college night so they had an ABBA theme and had Greek food. Yum.
Spent the rest of the night reading about Micro Four Thirds and updating my notes here and there and doing a little homework. It did get a little quiet. I think I took Shruti for granted. Well, I'm grateful they're spending time with Ava. Did you know Shruti slept over at Ava's dorm last night? So cute. I'm rooting for them. Incidentally Ava did pop in a couple of times later that night.
Made a half-impulse buy on a Micro Four Thirds Panasonic Lumix GF2. Been looking into a smaller secondary body for my FD lenses, that can net good depth of field and get good reach. A bit like a telephoto snapshot camera, now that I think about it. Looking forward to getting it in my hands!