"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391


Slept at 2am last night, well into 10am. Had therapy appointment at 11am. Not as in-depth as I'd liked, but still quite nice. We analyzed my ... unsavory February 21st dinner, when Mani, Madi, Sasha, and Micah were deep in a detailed discussion about working out and I blanked and got so nervous I lost my appetite near the end. Well, all's well. Did a small-talk roleplay exercise. I held my ground. I have to imagine that dinner was an anomaly — just yesterday I made some small-talk with Dharmesh and learned he had a group therapy appointment. Good for him!

Got lunch at Rachel Carson. Made a double coffee. Again. My medium roast Trader Joe's beans seem to be getting a bit stale. Brewed it no-press style again, I've been craving a more extracted cup as of late. It took like 8 minutes. Scary! First sip definitely put me off, but it was just the oils on top. The rest of it tasted just fine.

Went to Psycholinguistics section. Begrudgingly.

Spent most of the day trying to ward off a low-grade but apparent headache. Somehow stagnant air makes it worse. I don't know if it's from the alcohol from last night. Could be. I didn't have a hangover this morning.

Shruti and Ava dipped in and out of the room, though there was this good chunk of time around 1:30 to 2:30 where Ava just climbed up to Shruti's bunk and ... well, I don't know what; I can't say much other than hang out. I averted my eyes for their privacy. Considering their behavior yesterday, and how attached at the hip they were at MushroomFest, I won't be surprised when they get together by the end of the year.

Sasha's birthday yesterday was fantastic, if a little hard to remember, amongst all the other things that happened that day. Sasha, Shruti, Ava, and I swung by a couple bars downtown, bought some boxed white wine, and went back up to our dorm. Invited Keanna and Rafael (who I just learned that night was Keanna's boyfriend — I thought she just talked about him casually endearingly the other week). Keanna is bold, like a rock jutting in a social river, but not altogether sharp or blockading. She told me when I was 2 and a half glasses of white wine babbling away — why did it have to taste so good? — that I reminded her of Micah. Dimly I wonder if saying his name too many times will wear out what little memories I have of him. Altogether lately he's been quite the spectre. "I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn't though".

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