March 3rd 2025. Sleepy morning. Thin cool light through the windows, but not cold.
[Wrote a whole entry for this. Balanced and vivid. Even a bit positive. Telegram failed the save. There goes the last 25 minutes. Apparently pressing "Enter" on an edit doesn't save it. Curse this damn UI, this failed keybind. I'll write this tomorrow, if the sleep doesn't wash out all the specifics. If I'm going to draft on a computer, I might as well draft in a proper editor. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
got ready porter dining hall salty ham steaks oatmilk panini no tools packed up headed to baskin for game design section getting real damn sick of lectures headed out through kresge took a few photos and checked on the construction and headed up and made coffee make it a fucking double make it a pourover no press style of course i had to leave my glass hario switch at home you think it's going to bounce around like a rubber ball? four minutes brew fucking scary if you ask me best extracted cup i ever had from this batch of beans telling me more about my brewing techniques and borderline light roast coffee sucked it down clean and simple and fast delicious no snack but the leftover panini sandwich lamped out at computer for two hours watching 1 month 2 cameras and ali is a wonderful presentor and a wonderful creative and i was honestly looking more to her camera reviews for inspiration than a shopping spree but i did research the olympus pen ep2 epl2 too cute little thing with image stabilization apparently cute cute and $150 do i have that? do i have that? I don't want to think about it went down to get the box fan from the mailroom got it up and turned it on and it was a dog how loud it was but good and clean and fast and at the window we got a chill and it was good and i lamped out some more and futzed around and Shruti Ava came up to get something i asked where they were going they were going for a smoke no judgment from me that is a lie in my previous draft of an entry i was judgy judgy judgy good as I should be I judge little withold it contain it keep it all to my trachea fine fine fine not like I could smell the smoke on Ava not like Shruti doesn't pop a cigarette daily but fine I will look the other way and fine I will go to walk to Page Smith library a good walk a brisk walk an evening walk fine went in strided in and did not look at the books planted right down fine at the desk read a fanfiction on my bookmarks list backburner since before Fall quarter finals week how can that be how can that be? are my wintry months so glued together? Fine so be it I am little better this heart of mine sticking to my ribs lungs esophagus. Shouldve gone to banana joes hamburger stand with Porter Instagram Group but I didn't because I was so hungry after walking back from page Smith i went to Porter Dining Richard Paseman called I shouldve picked up but I texted so that was fine and okay and I said I was there and he came by quick he came by quick because he was on his electric bike a solid and sure and sturdy thing wouldve gotten one for myself but I have my car a more cumbersome thing than anything else seeing I live on campus than off campus I get back to him and we talked from 6:35 to 10:25 and we finished dinner of lasagna and rainbow chard and tart vegan meatballs an altogether sour and savory meal that filled me up just fine and we walked to Kresge and warmed up in their apitheature auditorium and checked out the ground floor and found a lttle kitchen lounge a cute little thing if a little stale with the new building smell and we talked for a good long time about so much from dating apps to Trump tariffs to state of the economy to breakdown of the social order to what a good contemporary life looks like and we walked back and he stuck by me when I went back to Porter why did he stick by me i wondered briefly but i was ultimately thankful because the night had gotten so deep i was worried someone would pop out of the bushes and attack me and I am glad he was there and I wished I couldve given him more than good wishes for his walk back to