This night is supple and warm and quiet.
Swung by Joey's with Sasha and Shruti earlier for a drink. Micah and many others were locked into a drinking board game, so me and my roommates couldn't really join. Still in a little pocket of my atrium I wonder what the pretense will be.
Weakly I'm tempted for another drink, even though the caffeine from earlier (a third cup of coffee -- dark roast, just dark, not chocolatey as I had expected, though the vibe of Santa Cruz Coffee Roasting was just as fantastic as it had been four months ago) is still probably buzzing in me. Negating, or maybe masking. It'll be weeks before I put amaretto in my coffee.
Want is not sight. The want I feel is propositional, a craving in words than a craving in body or of inner vision. I ask myself not of the life together forward. I cannot even imagine Micah's response. Matters of love seem to find me leaping to the edges of the dialectical earth. Love's cravings tangle and tumble. Such a stark change from my prominent habits of waiting, waiting, waiting to see. None of this is new behavior. Ah, well.
Went downtown with Sasha and Shruti from around 3 to 8pm, for some food and to generally get off-campus per the AFSCME strikes. We got Chipotle and swung by Santa Cruz Coffee Roasting for some coffee, and then the library. Turns out the library routinely closes around 6, though, so we spent the other 2 hours walking around downtown. I got an extra pizza slice. I think I overate a little (finished my leftover Chipotle bowl and pizza slice back up in the dorm, so I couldn't really check my hunger/satiety), but whatever.
Earlier on campus I walked down to the base of campus to check out the strikes. Proud of them! Took like half an hour getting downhill though...