"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Saturday February 22nd 2025 flew by and slogged by at once. Still shaken from the social lock-up I seemed to attempt to shift the needle the other way, anxiously checking the Porter Instagram group chat for activities and hangouts. In terms of cognitive energy I felt just fine but I think I would've benefited from a long (photo)walk through campus. Breakfast and dinner at Rachel Carson; and laundry; a little bit of photo editing. Not much work on Helios. To be honest I've been a little blocked this entire month stressing over internships and figuring out my resume and my busywork in my foundations of game design class (too much structure and handholding feels like fluff). I guess my emotional level just wasn't as high as it was yesterday. Texted high school friends over Discord about a group of people in active falling out, and then went up to Joey's room for a drink. I had a shot of tequila. Tastes better than vodka but I had a distinct cough syrup connotation. Sasha played "Beer"io (tequila) Kart and creamed the other players. I'm proud of them. I also kept an eye on their drinking. They didn't break more than 3, 4 drinks. I'm especially proud of them for that as well.

Another segment of the AGPM majors were watching Jurassic Park on the Hitchcock Lounge and I swung by. It was fine. Quiet, at least for me. The others easily talked amongst themselves. Conrad especially kept belching. Tess tried to keep him in line. Well, alright. At least Mohammed -- drunk as he was -- hit up some small talk with me, and Micah got roped in as well. It should be silver lining I now know a few (more) things about Micah: he's an AGPM major like Sasha, considered psychology as his major given his interest in the philosophical and systemic implications, and seems to have an inclination to men. I'm not commenting on his appearance -- everyone is hot in their early 20s, let's be real here -- to shift the needle from "itty bitty crush on him" to "want to get to know him". They're not mutually exclusive but the former certainly should follow the latter if I'm in this for a long-term relationship, which I am.

Hosted on streams.place.