"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Semi-grueling day of lectures today. Woke up pretty late around 9:15 and got ready ASAP for Stats class. No time = no breakfast. Kind of worth it though since lunch was quite filling: two servings of adobo chicken, brown rice, brussel sprouts (not quite as roasted as I'd liked but alright), harissa(?) tofu. Had a cup of coffee (like, just one -- idk why I'm such a lightweight this week) and lamped out at my computer for the afternoon. Headed to Psyc 125 and met up with Gloria. Lecture was especially fun since we started to cover a bit of syntax. Maybe it's all the constituency parse trees I'm having Claude make but I really am interested in syntax. I suppose I'm turning into quite the structuralist these days, what with syntax trees and knowledge structures and minimalist systems and all. They're very soothing. Talked with Gloria on the walk to the bus stop. The rain and fog came down real hard. Foundations of Game Design was more grueling than usual for sure. Lots of theory, but it actually made sense a bit since I was fitting it to my prior knowledge from visual spatial cognition in last quarter. Operational logics seem to have a performative aspect as well...

Had dinner with Shruti around 8:00. Good stuff: more chicken, some chicken and rice soup, cauliflower and green beans, and some more tomato(?) tofu.

Spent the rest of the night unwinding and talking to Claude and ChatGPT about theory stuff like systems modeling and functional analysis.

P.S. My laptop battery still seems to be running well. Knock on wood!

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