Went home for the weekend to try and recenter myself. Went out this morning to Starbucks and a nearby donut shop with family. Seth drove us! Got a ham, egg, and cheese on a croissant and a honey citrus mint tea. Spent a couple hours defrosting my milk tea, packing up, and checking in with Aunt Tran about internship stuff. Turns out cogsci needs a masters. Good lord! At least this is only two years. But oyyyy. I don't want to do more school. Well, at least I can work while I'm in grad school. Drove to campus around 1:15 and arrived 2:15. The drive was surprisingly pleasant! I think the inclement weather and looser traffic helped me take it easier. Unpacked my dorm stuff and checked my Pixelbook to make sure all's working for tomorrow and called Uncle Mike and Aunt Kun to check in with them as well. Spent the rest of the day basically unwinding. Too much on my mind, and my heart. Sorry for blowing up Friday. I can't promise it won't happen again -- there's a certain creative torrent that at least is rather interesting -- but I'll definitely try to get the help I need or talk to someone before slipping into catastrophe. It's just hard wandering around the day and into classes and through the hours wondering if you're actually going to make it. Like Susan Kare('s dad) says: The grass is greener on the other side, but you'll still have the same number of problems. And I'll try to cut down the time I spend on my computer and just explore campus. I'd like to check out every building at least once.
"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391