"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Just got back to dorm. Twilight was okay. Mostly absurd. The scenes where the stakes were getting higher and Edward felt more predatory made me sicker and sicker to my stomach. This entire situation is fucked up! Tons of plot holes — why is Bella so special? Why can't they take miniscule bits of blood from her? Why did I keep to myself? I should've said hi to Mubashir. That is the fatal mistake of today.

I got a little carried away that last part there. I feel so brittle right now. And I've still got this dumb Twine assignment to do, this assignment I should've been working on yesterday but my schedule is all changed this quarter and I don't care about CMPM 80K, Foundations of Game Design, and I don't care about STAT 80A, Statistics in Gambling and Gaming, and I can barely muster up the focus to pay attention to PSYC 125, Psycholinguistics; and I don't care to look out at the campus, and I can barely think my way through the day because all there is perception and observing and being a stranger stranger stranger; and I can't see so confident a future, a future that feels like sand through my fingers, sand I should feel at the beach down the boardwalk; I am peaceful only because I reduce my own life.

Enough. I've got work to do.

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