Moved back into dorm yesterday. Settled down today. Breakfast: oatmeal and a sausage and swiss cheese panini. CMPM 80K lab was brief; we got out 15 minutes early. A couple of cute guys in class, and almost everyone was a cogsci major. Maybe too soon to say that first part? Played some card games with Sasha and Shruti, though when Sasha was out and it was just me and Shruti things were pretty quiet. I should've asked about their first day. Oy! Had a long night talk with them later about politics, the state of our country, and our parents becoming more radicalized. Sasha IMO seemed to be preaching to the choir; I tried to be more specific and grounded in my advice; again should've been more listening/asking than talking but Shruti didn't seem too too bothered.
"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." //