"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Woke up earlier today to find my phone was completely dead so I actually got ready a bit earlier. Had a turkey avocado sandwich for breakfast and spent the rest of the day tidying up. Around 2 to 3 I handwashed my silver Uniqlo ultra light down jacket I've had since like 2017, by myself, and tried tumbledrying with some dryer balls. I actually didn't have dryer balls so I made do with some rolled up old clean socks. And it worked! First tumble got it 80% of the way there. Snagged a small plate of fried rice and tofu seaweed soup, then I had work from 4 to 8 since Mom had to make dinner (well worth it). Work was cold. Came back home and had some beef noodle soup. Too good. Wrapped up dinner and stuck my silver jacket for a second tumble. This got it up to 90%. There's still a little bit of clumping but I'm pleasantly satisfied. Spent the rest of the night at the computer bouncing between a couple social media and checking school resources. Added a few notecards about synaptic density into Helios.

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