Fantastic Thanksgiving today. Drove back home afternoon yesterday and settled into, barring the lack of an extra USB-C cable, a comfortable and freeing arrangement at my old desk. Actual leg space! A rolling chair! Though, the scenery is overfamiliar...
Had a great, quiet sleep last night. Waking up I lamped in bed a bit waiting for my brother to get finished in the bathroom. Got ready. Love the immediate hot water, iffy about the water pressure (I got used to the dorms ... oy), grateful for more space to dry off and change. Had a combination bun for breakfast. Went out with Seth around 10:30 to drop off some money at our banks.
Family and family friends rolled in through the day, chipping at my our (primarily mom's) expertly prepared mashed potatoes, roasted beef sticks, stewed spiced tripe, fried lobster, and some store-bought roasted turkey. YUM. YUM. YUM!!!
Uncle Thai brought over his Canon FD lenses, some in the OG breech-lock mount, some in the newer bayonet mount. Immediately I noticed he had a major macro kick, so most of the lenses are on the slower side. He explained it as better optical quality throughout the range. So, most of the lenses have intrinsic macro features, and he's got a couple of teleconverters (1.6x and 2x) and an extension tube for 1:1 (or even less) on certain lenses. Apparently he used to frequent camera shows once or twice a month in the 1990s and early 2000s and would just impulse buy what looked interesting, much to the protests of his ex-wife. My favorite lenses so far are a Tamron(?) 35-70mm f/2.5-3.5 and a Canon nFD 24mm f/1.4(?!?!?!). The most outrageous one here is an nFD 100-300mm(?!?!?!) f/5.6 that absolutely needs a tripod, but somehow I was able to handhold at 1/80th shutter speed on aperture-priority and evening sunlight. I mean, just a bonkers collection.
Spent most of my computer time editing what I have so far of Ladon and Orange Side B.
Spent 10:15 to 11:15 helping my Aunt Kun with a photo transfer ... only to realize midway that she didn't have enough storage on her laptop to get all the images off the iPhone.