"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Drove downtown this morning. Checked out Goodwill, got a chicken pesto sandwich with extra bell peppers, and a medium triple hazelnut latte (Starbucks discontinued toffeenut). Hazelnut flavor tasted alright, maybe I'll try 1 pump hazelnut and 1 pump cinnamon dolce next time. Though next time is tenuous because service was a bit slow, and that drink came out to $7.55(?!?!). Thank goodness I had my gift card.

Lamped out in my dorm all day, basically. Just felt like in a weird fog. I know I should be doing things but the anxiety overpowers the energy and, well, I've been going to sleep past 12 these past few weeks, and the weather's becoming darker and colder, and I'm a bit worse off than an orchid. If only I had the strength and the patience of all the redwoods all around. If only.

Richard filled me in on the last part of his story at Stevenson Dining and the walk back through Baskin and into Porter. Basically Genva blows up the resort, Zellis and Felicity escape and meet back up with Lavender. They regroup with George Winlight and a couple of PI detectives and they figure out Zellis was behind the attack. They properly equip him with weapons, money, and resources, and Zellis goes on the hunt. Zellis reveals some kind of neuro-digital interface whereby he can "plug in" his exposed nerves into computer ports and access the tech that way, using his highly parallelized brain. Flashback scene to Genva's human experiments -- Zellis is essentially the only successful supersoldier, the neural architecture of which was derived/synthesized from prior/co-occuring experiments and studies on Alice, the alien AI (later revealed in a verbal authors note as a kind of resuscitated daughter of two defected Genva researchers who were later hunted down by that same corporation). Zellis meets with Jake and Alice again and gets the requisite information of the remains of Genva from Alice through that same neuro-digital interface. The rest of the story tapers off with Zellis mopping up the corporation, and a bit of development of the writing universe. Apparently 10 million people died in the direct aftermath of the Genva attack. No one is clearly in the right.

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