"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Hot today. Not as hot as yesterday. Got ready around 7:45. Breakfast at 8:25. Snagged some ice and a slice of banana bread from the dining hall. Drank a couple mugs of water. The water tastes better today than yesterday. Lamped out at my desk working on Ladon and Orange, and later reading my Introduction chapter of my Psyc 120 (text?)book. Made coffee around 12:15. Ate the slice of banana bread. Took the bus to my only class today, a Linguistics 50 lecture. It went fine. I came early enough that the last professor was still getting to questions for his computer science students but he was out in a jiffy and Professor Ivy Sichel is as engaging and thoughtful as ever. Waited at the bus stop to get back to Porter, but all the buses passed me and the many other students waiting, so I made the irritated trek back to my dorm on foot. At least I got my steps in. Anyway, I was a bit late and arrived at 6:40pm, but the actual review for the roommate agreement with our RA Anna Toledo went by fast and they signed off on it. They seem chill. They're also buff. I'm not sure why I'm mentioning that. Talked about the little idiosyncracies of Porter College, like the First Rain (a naked run that starts at Porter and "infects" the other colleges) and 4/20 (you know). Swung by Porter Dining with Sasha around 6:25, ate fast, and then went to the Floor 2 (us) meeting with the other RAs. Pretty basic stuff to be honest. I'm glad my main bathroom in my floor section is decently clean whenever we use it. Spent the rest of the night from around 8:30 to 10:00 chatting with Sasha about psychedelics, COVID-era mental stuff, and gender/sexuality. Sasha asked if I was gay. The limp wrist was especially funny to me. Yes, I am, but I'm not out to my family. I guess in some form they already know but telling them outright seems too soon at the moment. At least I won't have to worry too too much about dating until Winter and Spring quarter. Got ready a bit later than I expected, around 10:45. I'm about to head off.

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