"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

September 22nd 2024. Writing this out on the computer again because jesus christ was today a wallop. Woke up early to around 6:30, lamped in bed for 20 minutes, then got read. Finished around 7:20. Seth got ready soon after. My parents and Seth and I stopped by McDonalds for a quick breakfast bite (egg mcmuffin save me ... ooh hash browns and small decaf coffee!) then we started driving to UCSC. The drive was prompt and clear, no issues. We arrived at Lot 127 and I headed off to pick up my ID and get some information about move-in. We swung by the Porter parking lot and unpacked fast within the 15 minutes allotted time. Checked out the yellow cart, got my three bins, and then we headed in. ID card works. Second floor, room 233. My roommate Sasha and their family had arrived already and were just finished unpacking. I dropped off my stuff and I went back home with my family. Made some French roast on the Hario Switch -- AeroPress at UCSC! -- and added the last of the condensed milk, got some extra toiletries and snacks, and then drove myself in my car to campus. Actually the route was ok! The curves and up and down felt like a really bad roller coaster. But my hybrid car charged very well on the downhill. I grabbed my extra stuff and started on an uphill trek. Oy, if only I remembered I could catch UCSC's buses! But good exercise. I got to my dorm safe and sound and began to unpack. Sasha was off-campus until 4:30 or so and we talked and got to know each other. Around 6:15 I swung by the dining hall for a quick dinner, since they close early for move-in day, and then went with Sasha to the mandatory dorm information seminar from 7:30 to 8:10. So now I'm back in the dorm. The bathrooms literally just look like a restroom with shower stalls. Thank goodness for the cleaners who keep this place mostly clean. In my dorm the window is open and it is nice and cool up here.

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