"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Writing this on the computer again. Today feels like -- well it feels like I didn't do anything which is probably true. Woke up early around 7:45, spent some time fiddling with a video setup on my camera. Got ready, had a turkey lettuce mustard cheese sandwich around 9:15. Coffee at 10:45. AeroPress, flow control cap, two filters, this time with some condensed milk. Tasted very mild. Spent most of the day trying to get stuff to pack, lamping out at my computer ... more Cyborgism, more UCSC checking. A few photography videos. A couple episodes of Futurama. Took my grandma to the Marina Grocery store to get some fish and veggies for some sour herb soup. Grandma also fried up some small salted fish my middle uncle brought from Cambodia. Yum. Apparently Aunt Kun and Uncle Mike are coming tomorrow. -- THAT'S WHY I FELT SO OUT OF IT. I was actually going to go to work at 3 or so, but my mom texted me around 2:00 that they were super slow at the shop, and I didn't need to work tomorrow either. I just didn't know what to do with the time. And now it's 10:57pm... Oy...

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