"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Brisk fast day today. Woke up early around 7:35 but fell back asleep until 8:45. Got ready quick enough and finished around 9:30. Had a double cheese turkey lettuce sandwich on a pumpernickel bagel, since a family friend came by yesterday with a huge box of bagels from her shop. Spent some time futzing on the computer taking some notes into Helios (finally!). Made some coffee, stirred in a little bit of condensed milk but not too much, tasted fine, coffee was a touch acrid but that was probably because I didn't get the ratio quite right -- I didn't measure my beans, I just used an AeroPress scoop. Which honestly doesn't work that bad but whatever I'll think about it tomorrow a little. Recently it feels like the days are more and more compressed together even though there's more daylight. Had work from 2 to 8. Passed the time reading some of the magazines that Helen gave me when I was there helping move some water bottles from her car into her house. One customer swung by and gave some chocolates and pineapple tarts to my dad because he was generous to her when she ran out of money some time ago (my dad let her pay later, which she did). Customers were alright with the exception of this snide older woman, late 40s to early 50s, that said the price for a banana split looked "weird". Girl how the fuck is $7.19 subtotal for a banana split -- and quite a lot of ice cream for a single person -- weird. Do you want a lower price? Some kind of rounding? Because the only way you're going to get a lower price is with a time machine back to 10 years ago. Jesus. Well, I smiled and repeated that was the price right on the menu, and she walked off to her terribly parked car to wait. And when she did pick it up she bugged my uncle who made it to also get her a paper bag to carry it in ... even though we clipped on a lid at her request when she ordered. I'm glad she didn't pester us later but let me just say I would be perfectly happy not to see her again. Otherwise the day was just fine and the magazine articles were great and the weather was nice and breezy which kept the 85° F temp feeling cool. Drove back home. Dinner -- half of a beef stick, some cabbage and pork soup, and three shrimp. Yum. Spent the rest of the night trying to finish my notes for a paper (which I did not particularly like after actually rereading and understanding the highlights and text) for Helios, bouncing between Tumblr and Bluesky, and ... hmmm. Well, I think that's about it actually. I think I'll sleep a bit earlier today.

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