"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Quiet day today. Woke up early around 8:15, got ready, had a cream cheese turkey lettuce sandwich for breakfast. Played some RotMG on my brother's old laptop (couldn't reset Valor password -- as I would later find out today I would just have to wait for mod team to get to my ticket). Really dig RotMG's Realm rework, and dungeon drops feel much more consistent and available. Spent some time playing until 11:45. Emptied out the leftover coffee and made a fresh cup since I wasn't sure if the leftover was particularly safe to drink. Turns out my brewing so far hasn't been a fluke -- even a fresh cup tastes nice and mild. Really delicious. Had some almond flour crackers as a snack. Spent most of my time on the computer with a 50/50 mix of YouTube (some AI Presidents but surprisingly not that much compared to politics and some videos on Gnosticism) and some note-taking and a brief PKM review (again, not as much as I thought since I wanted to restrict myself to note-taking topics and webpages I had already read and/or annotated with Hypothesis -- seems a bit better for my retention so far, with a combo of active recall and re-reading -- this was a habit I originally did to help me retain my readings and make good quality notecards for Hemera). Got moving a little bit around 2:30 to 2:50 on the elliptical over an episode of Wii Frisbee, though I couldn't use Chromecast to project it to the TV. Had a little nap around 4:20 or so until 4:45. Had work from 7 to 8 since my second oldest uncle had to go to a party. Work was quick and fine. Some veggie and (very tender) pork shoulder(?) soup with some green onion, and some fried marinated fish for dinner courtesy of my oldest uncle who had the day off today. Seems like today just took off.

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