"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Wonderful weather but a very busy day today. Woke up early around 8, got ready, and me and my family and younger brother went to iHop. I had a split decision platter, my brother got eggs benedict, my dad also got a platter, and mom got a veggie omelette. We got early enough to beat the wait -- only had to wait 15 or 20 minutes -- and noticed that they had become less busy than before COVID, and with ongoing high cost of living. Wrapped up and went home. At home I did some more file management and (finally) moved my iMac photo library that was on my external SSD to my laptop, so I can properly edit and import photos as they come. Around 12 I had finished making a huge thermos of coffee and I was about to walk to my friend Aaron's graduation celebration, but my grandma asked to go to Marina Grocery so I had to swing by. By the time I started walking to Dixon Landing Park it was 12:30, and I walked because I wasn't sure if the parking was that open over there (turns out it was but not as much as I thought it would be). When I arrived at 12:50 or 12:55 there were already 30 or 35 people, and I recognized no one barring Aaron (and later, Emily, his girlfriend). I should've brought much more coffee, clearly. The thing that caught me most off guard was not really the busyness of the event but my own silence. If I needed confirmation that my social skills suck, here it was. Emily and Aaron made me feel very welcome -- Emily especially -- but I was still trying to hang onto every word of the scant few conversations I was in. Maybe it's being antisocial/terminally online for the last 3 years but I simply don't have schemas of adult life, from work to parenting. Watching and hearing Emily pepper a new mom with questions about her baby looked to me like it was effortless; whereas I was scrambling to think up the right words half of the time and trying to remember the immediate topics. Of course, Emily has at least 2 or 3 years on me, so she just has more experience in the real world, but it was still a real challenge. I feel like I've been frozen at 18 -- like I'm constantly fresh out of high school, except high school was 3 years ago. I grabbed a few bites, particularly of these fried wrapped banana triangles which were quite good, and a couple of beef tacos, and a bit of fried chicken and fruit. I also had a slice of cake -- Derby cake apparently -- during cutting and Aaron's mom actually recognized me from Ernie Reyes karate all those years ago. I've got to send her and her husband an email thanking them for letting me crash their party, later. In any event, I think I actually over-ate since I didn't feel well at 2:45, and by that time I thought, might as well pack it up. I grabbed a few leftovers, waved bye to Aaron and his family, and headed out. Getting home I fought off a few waves of stomachaches but it calmed down by the time I got to my front door. The rest of the day from 3:30 to now gets goopy. I think I did some more file management and transfers on my laptop, and maybe added more to Dendron and Helios. By 7:00 my focus was waning and after stumbling over to my bedroom and trying to switch up and watch some presidents AI I conked out from 7:30 to 8:30. Had a late and small dinner at 9:15 since I still felt so weighed down from breakfast and lunch. I don't remember what I've been doing these last 2 hours. Maybe a mix of Tumblr and Discord. And reddit? Everything's jumbled right now. Well, it'll be clear tomorrow. (Now, what to do with my leftover 30oz of coffee in my red bottle ... )

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