"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Was alright today. Woke up late, around 9:01 or so, on account of sleeping so late last night at 1 and waking up in the middle of the night at 4:30 for some reason (could've sworn I heard the doorbell ring). Had a turkey lettuce avocado sandwich with the last of the cream cheese. Walked to Walgreens around 10:50 to buy some regular strength Tylenol (generic) for my uncle since he had his knee surgery earlier today. Came back around 11:35 then got to work from 11:45 to 5 trying to wrangle my iMac's OneTab, and continue working on my new ThinkPad. Looking at it kind of depresses me now, to be honest. 20,000+ tabs and counting. I'm glad I took the time to import my Hemera (now will go into Helios) research tabs into my iMac's BrainTool extension, and transfer that to my new laptop's installation of BrainTool, but it makes me wonder if there's an easier way of a. triaging this stuff and b. offloading progressively less important but still interesting information to some kind of active reservoir I can turn to if needed. The Recollect extension seems perfect for this but it seems a little spotty, especially on Twitter, which it has never worked on for me. But I don't use Twitter much nowadays so, other than my bookmarks and likes, I don't think I'm missing out on much. Regardless, something about the aggressively flat and/or siloed nature of digital memory aids and repos makes me feel a little twitchy. No program of the 2020s meets the optimal combination of triaging/prioritizing, representation, and randomness that so indicates human-like memory. Language models confabulate, yes, but they're not in control of their confabulations nor do they have structural or functional capabilities that can even begin to. IMHO, this kind of recall requires indices within indices; a kind of file/referent duality; and some mechanism to generate relations of relations between elements at scale to prune or refine later. Anyway, around 1:50 and 2:25 I took my grandma to Marina Grocery since a couple of her ingredients got spoiled and she needed to buy some more; and went to work around 5. For dinner grandma and mom made a pork belly and fish jicama soup with some stewed veggies. Late at night around 9:45 Helen asked me to help bring in some cases of water bottles into her house, which was okay.

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