"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Home today. Was about to skip breakfast in favor of a sandwich from Subway but around 10:30 my dad came by with some big croissants so I went ahead and made a turkey egg spinach cream cheese sandwich. Dropped off my brother at work around 12:55. Did my Dev. Psych final, as you know, and got an 88% on it for a final 97% in the class. Really powered through my final essay for Humi 1, the "Final Demonstration of Learning", and completed 75% of it. I should knock out the last 25% and, if I time it right, might actually take a long enough break that I can make the final edits all in one go and spare myself any work for this coming Saturday -- 21st birthday! My skin definitely says I'm 21. So, I'll probably draft the rest of the Humi 1 essay ASAP, then highlight my PDF textbook chapter on Elections from my Poli 1 / Government textbook, maybe take some notes if I have the gusto, and then come back to the Humi 1 essay with fresh eyes, re-read it and edit, and send it off, knocking out a second final tomorrow. (My Photography 301 and Government 1 finals are in-person, next Wednesday.) Watched an episode of Friends, the first half of which I watched while on the elliptical, the one where they're all out dating or breaking up; Monica and Joey catfishing Joey's ex (to rebound on) and said ex's current boyfriend (for Monica to chase after); Ross and Rachel at the laundromat, the latter doing laundry for the first time; and Chandler and Phoebe breaking up with the girlfriend and boyfriend respectively at Central Perk. Spent some time on Bluesky, got caught up on the Anonsee drama. They're a black queer nonbinary trans person with a cabal of followers, a history of sexual harassment, and a big cabal of followers eager to smear their SA victims for being "racist" while literally working for the federal agencies, possibly exposing the vulnerable trans people who stayed over or paid rent to Anonsee the prosecution of the federal government. Anonsee played the word game and won with flying colors, though I will say the fact they haven't deactivated their account and fled the face of the social media networks is beyond me. For a federal agent having gotten caught I would expect faster deactivations). Leftist developments aside, Bluesky undoubtedly feels a lot more peaceful and smells a lot less rancid than Xitter. deepfates and most of my mutuals are (still) cool though. It's just that I don't resonate with Xitter anymore. Anyway, I've been getting some good sleep these last few days which makes me feel really confident about my learning.

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