"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

What a day today. Woke up early and got ready but my dad had to swing by the shop to check out work on a gas leak which ate up some time on his end. In the interim I made some iced green tea (yes, lemon and sugar, that Starbucks from a couple weeks ago really woke up some old memories and tastes ... ooh I need to try the hibiscus tea again) and some oatmeal with some leftover beef jerky pieces, poured over some chopped brussel sprouts. Dad came back around 10:25. I packed up my iced tea, headphones, Nintendo 3DS, camera, a bit of sunscreen, and of course my wallet and phone. My parents, my brother, and I left the house around 11:00, and arrived at UC Davis around 1:00. Wow! Sunny and warm up there. After a bit of circling we parked near an art building and headed into the library for a bathroom break and then walked across the green to check out a bit of the campus. I had asked my UCD friend Daphne for some suggestions and so we swung by the Memorial Union and Teaching/Learning Complex and in the moderate distance saw the Science lecture halls and laboratories. I had made up my decision to go to UCSC by that point so this visit was extra confirmation that, nice as UCD was, it wasn't really for me. I kind of wished we walked around UCD more but most of the campus was closed for Memorial Day so there wasn't much else to see than the buildings. For a late lunch around 2:30 or so we drove into downtown Davis -- cozy albeit with tight parking -- and had some Chipotle for lunch. I hadn't had Chipotle for a while so I was really looking forward to my chicken bowl. After that we got some milk tea and headed home, a long 2 hour drive on account of the traffic, and we made it home around 6:30. For me my day gets kind of gooey after that. I definitely played some games on my 3DS. No slipbox/research. Had a light dinner around 8:45. All in all a very good road trip.

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