"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Woke up early around 7:00 today, earlier than I thought I would wake up on account of staying up until 1am last night from Too Much Phone Syndrome. Lamped in bed until 7:30 when I got ready and we all (mom came along ⁠— first time in a while) swung by Starbucks, and the local donut shop. Parents got black coffee, brother got a caramel ribbon crunch frap, I got a large iced green tea lemonade with 4 pumps classic syrup (haven't had this in months and months and months). We got some croissants sandwiches from the donut shop and my parents talked with the (Khmer) business owners about cost of living and rent. We headed home. No work today for me, and I went right on to crunch my Exam 2 for developmental psychology and work on my Humi 1 upcoming assignment and late assignment. I had basically finished my Gov assignment yesterday and only needed to print. The rest of the day gets goopy. Lots of breaks to try and keep up my flow, dozed off on the massage chair for 20 or so minutes. Went walking with mom around 7:50 around the neighborhood block and we talked about body language and culture. Dinner around 8:50 -- veggies and fish dip! Sweeter than I thought though. My oldest uncle has an odd habit of making his food somewhat sweet, even the savory foods. Wrapped up dinner and I've been trying to wrap up my computer use since I have to wake up early tomorrow for classes ⁠— and possibly swing by UC Santa Cruz for a tour.

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