"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Christ. What a day. Feel so sleepy now. Woke up early around 6:15 and headed to class around 6:40 to catch my makeup exam for Government. And then I had Government class. Silver lining -- gov class wasn't too long since Prof. Druehl's voice was going out. Turned in my exam and MLK extra credit. Lamped around the ATC for the hour between gov class and humanities class. Humi class was ok. Well actually I was put on the spot when I answered the question 1+1 was 2 (turns out he was all in on the physicality of his 2 expo markers). Very woo. Very very woo actually. Got a little ticked off, shot back in the chat but felt weirdly triggered in my body for some reason, like my body felt this was a mortal threat as my mind felt this was a cut and dry technical annoyance. Mentally checked out of class after that. Went to photography class and crammed in my film development, a contact sheet, and an enlargement. Had a burger and fries for a very late lunch of course but since I remembered I could possibly have work at 5, and I should get home before then, I settled to eat my lunch over a few quick videos of President Nixon than a Dick Van Dyke episode. Nixon was great at foreign policy, you know. The rest of the day I didn't do much. Aunt Lang swung by the house, I unwound a little bit at home, went to work at 7 since the shop wasn't as busy as we thought. Couple of beef sticks and lettuce for dinner. Played some Valor from 10:30 to 11:45. Very quiet online except for a few chance steamrolls. Pretty frustrating but it did push me to try to solo some Alerts/Challenges (they're always solo). Necromancer class feels so cozy. Terribly terribly sleepy. I've been awake how many hours? 18? Back when I was sad, really sad in early 2022, the kind of sad that keeps you oversleeping even at the height of May, my sleep schedule was so fucked I would only 14 hours. 12, more often, since I spent the waning morning in a blitz of a haze. Which is still true a little bit but it's much better and something I can chalk up to coffee than being cripplingly sad. Running amok from one extreme to another. That's probably an aphorism for my life.

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