"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

May 8th 2024, cont. L73 was a bit quiet and I did get through my breakout rooms alright. Headed to photography later, sat through a little bit of a demo but wasn't as confident in my contact sheet and enlargement (mostly because I didn't look for much feedback from Prof. Teng, which I should've, as my Fomapan 100 half frames had quite a lot of contrast). Well, I did get a final contact sheet and a pair of half-frame enlargements by the end, but I should've been more economical with my time, and tried developing my Olympus Pen S film while Prof. Teng did demos. Though, I did talk to more classmates and help them out. Nancy in particular updated me on buying a half-frame camera, and they should arrive this weekend. Apparently she's been taking time off work to do these classes but her boss is quite supportive. Once class was tidied up I stopped by the dining hall to try and get a burger -- they ran out -- and so instead I got a southwest smoked turkey, 8 inches. Wow. Delicious, savory. Turkey, Gouda, ranch + lettuce tomato onions banana peppers. Really took me back to early 2022 when my parents and grandma were overseas for over a month and I was wondering how to save my grades and (remember to) pay all the house and business bills. Took a little longer to prep than I'd liked but I was really grateful regardless. Sat outside and had the sandwich over an episode of the Dick Van Dyke Show, about the Helper neighbors to the Petrie's after they catch the husband (forgot his name) having dinner with another lady. Drove back home -- traffic through the last half of the route, really quite boring, and I got sleepy -- but I made it home. The rest of the day gets murky after that. I helped mom with some spaghetti pasta and I AeroPressed my cold brew from this morning to finally halt the brewing process, but it was 5:00 then and I couldn't have the coffee if I wanted to sleep. Didn't get any more work done the rest of the day. Tried to relax on the massage chair, drifted over to my bed, and crashed for an hour and a half until 8:45. Even now I'm getting sleepy. I'll tell you, my sleep schedule is really fucked today.

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