"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

April 24th 2024. Woke up early. 6:45. Brother was in the bathroom again. Got ready around 6:55. Stayed in the shower a little longer than needed. AeroPressed the cold brew (28g! The last of it), iced, added some oat milk. Finally got out of the house around 7:40, and the traffic was busy. Got blocked out of the exit that takes up to Stevens Creek, looped back through Mountain View and took exit 85 and made it back on the freeway. Arrived on campus at 7:50. History class, then humanities class. Had some savory oatmeal I loaded up in a thermos, but it tasted kind of pasty, a bit like overnight oats without milk and with more salinity. Packed up and headed out to Photography course. I was very very excited to develop my half-frame and full-frame rolls of film. I was much slower to load film and process film, possibly because I was tired from waking up and/or I was doing two separate rolls. (Cold brew can only do so much, and I didn't even finish a quarter of it by the time I headed into class.) The full frame roll seemed to come out okay, but the half frame roll had some broken/unprintable frames and the contrast was way way jacked up. Wasn't sure if I over-agitated (I did 5 sec agitations at 30 sec intervals for 13 minutes) or it was just the film ... Fomapan 100 is a kind of "vintage" film in that it's manufactured using the same techniques as the 60s. Was a little disappointed about the missing frames but I think a 70% bonus is pretty good (61 workable frames out of 36 full frames). Will have to print carefully next week -- which incidentally Prof. Teng has asked me to help out a bit, since other students will be developing their own rolls, but Mr. Chai is out! How exciting. Sleeved all my film and headed out around 3:10. Drove back home ... a fair bit of traffic, and a near accident, as a car merged from the right into my lane, but seriously miscalculated merging distance and nearly crashed into me; I panic-braked and honked, but they sped off real quick. I think that was my second ever honk in this car! Scary. But I made it home. The rest of the day gets really gooey ... I did have some tuna salad, avocado, and pesto sauce on a Parmesan bagel. And some fish and veggies for dinner. Didn't really do much homework. I'm winded from today.

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