"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Home today. Really goopy day. Left side of neck still sore.

Had leftover tomato feta pasta for late breakfast. Very good.

Spent most of the day dipping into Framework Laptop videos and trying to rest my neck (no real good resting position, sitting up or laying down). Seriously seriously considering going to the doctor about joint stuff, and possible fatigue, because this reads as RA -- and if not it at the very least rules that out.

Skipped lunch. Had some coffee though. Around 2 or 3 I cracked open my dev psych textbook and finished Cengage review and quiz for this week. Apparently some people in the dev psych class had been speed running the online course (of course they used answers, what do you expect out of an online class crammed with college students), and Prof. Tamas actually anticipated some would, because the free trial for the course only lasts until today. It's kind of weird knowing that some people willingly crammed this course so early on. Maybe they really wanted their $180 for themselves which, sure, I understand. But for me I'm kind of sick of cramming classes. I've been reading the textbook -- shocker -- and pacing myself through the material and it's really quite interesting. I think developmental psychology would have been the perfect base for Soteriology of the Coherent, back when I was trying to pin down it's epistemic foundation ... I had been drawing from calculus, then, derivation and integration, but couldn't quite map it onto personal development which was the real theme of the work, looking back on it now, I still haven't finished it. Anyway I also need this background for my cogsci slipbox Hemera and my upper division courses after I transfer.

Dinner -- eggplant and pork stirfry, and some steamed pork and egg with some cucumber.

Managed to finish Humi homework but took much longer than expected. Watched episode 3 of the Bear. Took some more photos on the Tele 6, in the evening. Turns out I completely forgot the film roll was 36 episodes and I could've squeezed out 1 or 2 extra exposures, for a total of 73 or 74. But because I thought it was 24 exposure (with an upper limit of 48) I thought it was improperly loading the film, so I stopped off at 72 and activated the mid-roll rewind just to be sure. Looking forward to developing the film next week, and maybe even doing some first prints from this set.

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