"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Woke up early enough today, 8:55. Stayed in bed a little longer. That Olympus E-P1 sold sometimes last night, so there goes that deal. Spent most of the day shopping for a similarly good deal on a different albeit related model, the E-PL1, and later in the evening running around eBay collecting items for DSLR film scanning (copy stand, enlarger lens, M39 to M42 stepup adapter, bellows, film holder) but didn't buy anything. The anticipation for transfer -- if I transfer -- is intense enough to remodel everything I do now in orientation for it, which is probably a good thing. Around 2:45 I took my brother to his dentist appointment (he has a small cavity apparently) and paid and after that we went to the nearby Korean tofu house for a late lunch. We ordered the beef tofu soup and a veggie seafood pancake, both of which were delicious. He's having a hard time with his math class, I gave him some advice on how to try to recover the grade to a C. Drove back home and less than 15 minutes home my grandma wanted to go to Marina Grocery to pick up some chicken (the tofu house was in the area) and so we went. I later didn't have much dinner on account of eating earlier ... some sour chicken soup and some fried fish pieces.

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