"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

On the computer again. Home today. Woke up early enough, morning sky out bright, got ready, folded dried shirts. Had some leftover pasta puttanesca for breakfast. Did some history reading, mainly the textbook, from 12 to 2, as I waited for time to pass so I could ship off my package. I didn't want to make multiple trips. Headed out around 3:05 to the post office, streets were a bit busier, grabbed some tea from Sunright Tea for myself and my brother, forgot that my brother had some some tea just a couple days ago, guy at the 4-stop intersection didn't give me the right of way and had the audacity to try to tailgate me just a few blocks from my own home. But I arrived home safely. My yakult lemon drink looked a tiny bit curdled -- was that normal? -- and tasted a little weaker than I thought so I added some extra lemon to round it out. Parents left to drop off brother at work, then pick up my grandma from the airport. Full house since January!! A bit of chicken porridge and some beefed up miso soup (lots of tofu and seaweed) for dinner. Worked a little on Clods, but not too much. Heard the news later that night that Dr. Ky's mom has passed away in a car accident -- just terrible, though at 83 years old, she's lived a very full life.

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