"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

March 12th 2024. Woke up late. Very late. 10:00. Skipped breakfast, spent some time making pasta puttanesca instead for a lunch, had some coffee. The rest of the day was a little bit of history homework, a generous portion of Spanish MyLab homework, Spanish from 4 to 6, and Claude. It's a twist of cosmic irony in that the one day I finally feel like I'm making progress on the CLI prompt -- and with a Rorschach simulation no less -- I run out of the (admittedly free) $5 credit. Claude Opus is one expensive little escort, isn't he. I suppose I'll have to pay up soon. It's also a twist of irony that in my AI excitement I completely forgot I've been writing here near daily for the last year. I suppose at a long enough timespan devotion and habit become one and the same.

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