"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Slept late, woke up late, around 9:30. Actually I woke up really early around 7:45 with the light through my bedroom blinds so I slept in a bit more. Made a cup of coffee and dunked a blueberry bagel into it for a quick breakfast -- 18/300, but my diner mug has less capacity than I thought, so it diluted up to 287 or so. Had work from 11:15 to 4:30. Quite busy around noon, and for the hour before I left. Felt really fatigued near the end. Drove home. Weather warming up. Clear day today. Delectably warm. Glasses arrived today! Finally! They're wider that my black Milo glasses and the prescription is strong enough (the other ones are like 0.25, 0.5 diopter weak I think, I was on an EndMyopia thing back then) that seeing things feels really electric. Even my depth perception is a bit better. I can't wait to drive with these! Finished history homework, did some Spanish homework, will crunch the rest of my weekend work tomorrow (I'm free tomorrow). Fried rice and some orange fried fish and a pickled bamboo shoot for dinner. Yum. Worked a bit on Clods around 10:30, but I'm definitely not saying up late like last night.

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