"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

I arrived home, beat and tired, and unwound for half an hour before doing some history reading in the textbook and the historical documents booklet. I also did a couple Spanish assignments, which were much easier than I thought, possibly because they were from the beginning of the quarter -- the assignments now require preterite, imperfect, indirect object, direct object, etc. etc. Dinner at 9:05 or so -- uncles made steak again, a bit of fried rice, and had plenty of veggies, which was of course what I needed after that huge bowl of pasta earlier. I had lots of radishes. Throughout the day I was checking Cyborgism, EyeBuyDirect, and Twitter for updates, a bit more than usual, but nothing particularly compulsive.

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