"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Writing this on the computer again, I think I'm getting a rhythm here. Set the alarm for early, 8:30 or so, but pressed the snooze button a couple times and woke up around 8:50 instead. Stayed in bed an extra 15 minutes, then got up and out. Got ready, finished around 9:30, skipped breakfast, grabbed my camera and immediately left the house and started walking down my block to Weller Elementary (god, I am blipping so much personal information — trusting in security by obscurity — not much security at all, frankly — you wouldn't doxx me, even after all the pictures I've sent, would you?) and to Augustine Park to snap some pictures. I'll send the contact sheet later. Walked by my old high school, and further down, around the block down to the right, and then crossed through the parking lot of Smart and Final and trying to juice out composition and framing like spearing lines and shapes in time, and then walked home on the same path I normally walked from afterschool to home. Arrived at home around 10:35, packed up and procrastinated on making coffee until 11:10, had some vitamin D, made coffee on the Hario Switch (21g/350), drip drip, drip, drip, mmm. Smelled lovely. Headed out and started driving to campus and was about to get some gas in but the right side aisles of the gas station were all filled up so I took a chance on the reported 78 miles of range -- 1.71 gallons of gas, if the MPG is right -- and zoomed off to campus. Drive was quiet and decent, a good 7.5/10. Arrived at school, slung my backpack on, oy-ed at the weight, and walked around to the Media Learning Center and the green/park-like section of the L quad, took a few more photos, took a couple photos of the dining hall building, and then swung around back to photography class. Headed in and helped set up the developing line, I did stop bath again, and I checked out a film processing kit from Mr. Chai (it is actually spelled 'Chia', on his wall nametag), and headed into a darkroom with Adrianna and Chelsea to spool our film onto the metal reel. I had a harder time with the bottle opener on the string this time and needed to use the wall opener to get some more force/leverage but I got it off, and started reeling. It definitely took me longer than the last time, though I suspect that last time, I was much more focused on reeling film; I also was less confident of my reeling. Chelsea took a little while so we all made some small talk. Once done we headed out to develop my film. It was a bit crowded so I hung back and waited a few minutes and when I came back it was still crowded so I just decided (with encouragement) to stand it through and develop my film. The water was a bit cold so I had to develop for 8 minutes and 7 seconds. And drying of course takes 15, 20 minutes. But it was well worth the wait. My film came out very nice, and sleeving was a bit easier this time. I made a test sheet and a final contact sheet, and made headway on a test sheet for an enlargement, but I didn't have enough time to make the final enlargement. As I waited for fixer on the developing line I went ahead and I washed a set of 14 or 15 prints, but had to stay behind a little longer as my print was part of a later batch. I headed out at 3:15 and to the dining hall, sprinkling a bit, and... no burgers. But there was a huge bowl of pasta so of course I had to take that one. I had it over an episode and a half of The Nanny and I'll tell you, it really filled me up. Coffee was also alright, a bit milder from the hours, and definitely cooler. Traffic on the way home was not good. A bit rainy around 3/5ths of the way in. Traffic was very very stop-and-go -- normally you brake, but rarely do you come to a full stop. I think I made 20 full stops. Of course, I brake quite well, but it was still an odd change.

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