"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Woke up absolutely early but relatively late today. Folded laundry. Had some oatmeal for breakfast and a couple Vitamin D gels since I heard it helped with bone/joint health. Went to the library to return to my books and check out some more books and went home. Still cloudy and gray outside. Had some leftover cauliflower pasta and the last of the breadcrumbs for lunch. 20 minutes in I felt sleepy. When I made coffee just before I was finished I accidentally knocked over the dripper and sent so much coffee sludge flying, melting, dripping down the counter. Rachel -- cousin, Uncle Bora's daughter -- helped out, bless her soul, and helped again when I accidentally dropped my mug and broke it. Worked intermittently on history homework, reading and writing, but never really feeling satisfied with the quality of the work/analysis I was doing. Made some coffee on the AeroPress, Hoffmann's method, setting 3, noticed quite a bit of sludge on that setting, I don't know where all those fines came from. Watched The Nanny intermittently throughout the day but my heart wasn't into it. Around 5:05 my three aunts and uncle came from Stockton to drop off some preserved fish or something and pick up some frozen salted fish eggs/roe, and then they headed off again. Uncle Mike and Aunt Lang suggested I resist peer pressure and the gays at UCSC. Ay, the irony, but I will keep my lips sealed, as I always have. Steak for dinner and even some raw oyster -- I finally tried one, it tasted cool and slightly salty but not as savory as I had hoped -- but again my heart wasn't into it yet again on account of a very very nasty headache. I thought it was a caffeine headache but I had did have coffee, and yesterday when I didn't have coffee the only real thing was that I slept very very early. 11:48 again.

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