"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

A whirlwind day today. Slept a bit late, around 12:45am, but then woke up around 8:45am and did not feel refreshed much. Skipped breakfast. The hour before heading out to school went by quick and I actually left the house 5 or 10 minutes later than I normally would. Didn't bring my T90, brought the RP instead (finally, color!! f/1.2 also seems to be shaping up to be my main lens) as I wasn't planning to shoot or develop film. The drive to campus was quite quick, but there were a couple of aggressive drivers which jumped up the stress. I arrived at class with 5 minutes to spare -- at this point in the quarter it seems Prof. Teng's not doing many more demos and so most of the time was lab time. I grabbed my photo binder and checked out a contact/enlargement kit from Mr. Chai, and then headed into the darkroom and got to work. Contact sheet turned out well. Enlargement turned out well also. I actually made two prints -- one of the slipbox and one of the garden shadow selfie. I washed a couple cycles of prints. First cycle was midway in my second enlarged print. Second cycle was well after I had printed and dried my second print and even turned in my contact/enlargement kit (and forgot the enlarger lens, again ... ) but some guy who "baptized" 4 prints literally just forgot about them in the left tub so I had to pick up after him regardless. Bit of a shame since he was cute too. Adriana had a tough time -- she only got 4 workable shots from her roll. Those ones looked fine though. I checked out around 2:55 and headed to the dining hall, hoping the grill was still open. Nope, they were still closed quick. And no more grill leftovers! That was new. Instead I settled for a monster bowl of chicken alfredo pasta for lunch. Admittedly I did choose the one that looked like there was more but boy did I bite off more than I could chew. This one took 2 episodes of The Nanny to get through -- and I seemed to have completely forgotten one of the episodes, as the Valentine's Day episode with the billboard seemed very new to me (but was funny as ever). I packed up and headed around campus to try and get some photos in but just as I framed a wonderful shot of the window of the great orange building that was the art gallery (I think it was an art gallery, or a museum), I got a battery error that locked up my shutter. Terribly frustrating and it didn't let up so I called it quits and headed to my car. There must've been something in that pasta because I felt seriously wasted after climbing just one flight of stairs and flopping inside my car. I didn't even know if I could stay awake enough to drive. But I looked at my empty bottle of coffee and decided to head home before the traffic could get too bad. (From 45 minutes at worst to a more reasonable 35.) The traffic almost made me fall asleep, but the broken brake lights on the truck in front of me for the latter part of the trip kept me on my toes. I got home uneventfully but by then I was exhausted. Even fighting off a food coma takes energy I suppose. I headed in, sat right on the floor, and tried to unwind (though how much can you really unwind using your phone?). Brother called me to let me know about the milk tea he got in the fridge -- thank you! -- and I headed off to put it in the freezer to save it for tomorrow. I submitted my contact sheet and my enlargement to Canvas, and the rest of the day was in a kind of tired haze (but not one that sent me to a nap, or made me feel particularly bad). So that's that, and here's here.

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