"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Had some instant ramen for a very late breakfast and beefed it up with some onion and the Kewpie mayo hack. Tasted alright though the noodles had cooled a bit while I was mincing/grating the garlic and mixing it all together so I popped it in the microwave another 30 seconds. Had some coffee afterwards and worked on my essay for an hour and a half and then played some Minecraft, this time testing my cactus defense. The day gets pretty gooey from there. I did have Spanish, but most of the lesson was cultural information, and the imperfect past tense was delegated to the last 40 minutes of class or so. Cozy lesson though. Left a voicemail for Prof. Cini, my history professor, about my midterm essay. She called back approximately 20 minutes later -- the three vocab terms were more for giving context to the reader than making an argument, unlike the Jose Flores interview text. So I was on the right path. Had dinner around 8:40, marinated pork and some veggie soup and a chunk of a Costco rib. Around 11:10 or so I posted a scattershot of tweets but pulled all but 1 of them back. Thinking of using Twitter less as a posting site and more as a living contacts book. Scrolling down my following wondering who I should talk to, proactively, instead of waiting for some daily tweet to come -- a lot of people don't post daily. I used to. Not anymore. In that sense my best communication platform would be Discord or some other synchronous program.

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