"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

She said the contrast was quite nice already and if I wanted to try I could try burning in the top left corner for 2 seconds. I went back and did another enlarged print and tried burning it in but there was not much change at all. It seemed I had really gotten out the maximum information from the negative in that spot, and across the negative in general. After printing I was itching to develop film and I asked Mr. Chai for a developing kit and he sent me to retrieve the enlarger kit first. Forgot the enlarger lens -- doy -- but I was in a rush. He said I might've come a bit too late to develop and said I had to spool the film on in 5 minutes in the dark if I wanted to develop in time (seems the darkroom and developing room close a bit earlier than the classes do). But I took up the challenge and skittered off to the darkroom. After a panicked first minute thinking and thinking about my five minutes I got the canister open (used the handheld opener instead), snipped the leader, and began rolling. I thought I'd screw up immediately, but the film caught onto the metal teeth and I started turning the spiral reel and I didn't hear any crunching noises. Once I got to the end I couldn't find my scissors to snip the film spool off so I just twisted it off. Quickly I loaded the reel into the tank, capped it, and headed out to develop. Developing also felt like it would take forever for the first five minutes but actually the water was warmer today so my developing time was down from over 8 minutes to a little over 7 minutes. Agitate, agitate, dump, rinse, get fixer, agitate, recycle, rinse, get permawash, agitate, recycle, rinse, photo-flo, dry. A young lady came into the processing room to check out her film and noticed I had finished developing and asked me if I did both the enlargement and the developing. I did, yes, and had the cozy feeling that I was probably the only person to enlarge and develop film today and on a truncated notice. I hung up my film and went back to wash my canister and developing supplies, dried it, and sent it to Mr. Chai -- I had made it in time. Of note also, in the darkroom and the developing room, Adriana was nearby as apparently she trusted me more. She also called me kid a couple times which was kind of funny and reminded me of Rhoda from the MTM Show. I went back to the classroom to wait, called back my uncle, and then got my film after the time was up. Sleeving the film was much harder this time and it was only when I tried re-sleeving the second time that I realized my film probably wasn't 100% dry. Well, I got 95% of it in the sleeve, and packed up ready to go. Just before I left I asked Prof. Teng about the experimental photography course next quarter and she said it would be in the morning, Tuesday and Thursday also, though 9:30 to 11:20 in morning (actually quite nice as I could go to eat lunch right after), and it was combined with the intermediate photography course. She said if I were interested in medium format I could get some bonus information because she was reaching it combined, which was really quite interesting, and so I decided I'd try taking it next quarter.

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