"[Growing up] is hard and nobody understands." // https://www.homestuck.com/story/2391

Home again today. Professor extended the due date for the paper so I don't need to go to campus today. Skipped breakfast, had an early lunch of the leftover puttanesca pasta. Seemed to taste a bit better even cold. I suspect the flavors have melded better overnight. Looked up briefly about resistant starches. Tried taking more photos for the about the self project. Gray and rainy today. Kind of cozy though. Arrived late to Spanish zoom call at 4:17 or so, tried catching up, was thrown off by how many verbs I didn't recognize. I must study more! Leftover pork and bamboo dark stew for breakfast and a side of crunchy gingery pickles. Parents went to the airport to leave to Cambodia around 7:45. Big hugs for both of them. Did laundry around 11:03. Texted Dave throughout the day. More Twitter today, a little more bite than usual but it's alright. Reorganized and grouped some tabs back up to mid-January within OneTab and into Braintool, and added more clippings and quotes and notes into Dendron.

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